Monday, April 8, 2013

Take a behind the scenes look at the making of one of 2012's best movies!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

First Day On Set

Yeah, that's me. I recently visited the Hollywood Walk of Fame!

Here it goes! My very first post on my very first blog. If the title, description, and images on my blog weren't a good enough indication of what it is going to be about, then I'm here to tell you a little bit more about just what it is I'll be rambling on about on here.

Movies are my passion. Everything about them; From the enormous amount of work that goes on behind the scenes just to make the production of a movie possible, to the creative process the actors go through in order to bring to life a character on a page, to the endless hours of post production done to combine all these aspects and make the magic that we see when we visit the theater. And, if all of this is done properly, we get a piece of art that can change lives, and maybe even change the world.

Now that you've learned a very small part of why movies are so important to me, I'll give you a little insight on the girl behind the computer screen. Let's take it back to 1992, in a small town on the small island of Puerto Rico. Yep, that's where I was born and started this crazy journey called life, but in order to give me and my younger brother a chance at a better life, my parents moved us to Tampa, FL where we grew up. In high school I was involved in a few clubs, student government, cheerleading, weightlifting, track, blah blah blah, but I hadn't yet found that one thing that I was so passionate about that I would want to spend the rest of my life doing it. This bothered me from time to time, but I never really gave it much thought because I was involved in so many things, and those things, along with getting into college, usually occupied my thoughts. Little did I know that my dream of getting into the University of Florida would end up being the gateway to a whole new, much bigger, dream of mine.

Freshman year at UF (I got in, yay!) in line for a Daniel Tosh comedy show that the school was hosting, my friend casually suggested to me that I should take an acting class with her. It had never even crossed my mind that that would be something I would want to do, but I ended up taking the class. From that point on, everything involving film was enthralling to me, and I can't see myself doing anything else. It feels like a huge whirlwind since then, and it's been one of the most exciting, frightening, and rewarding things--chasing my new-found dream-- but I know with my heart full of passion, a little luck, and a lot of faith, I will some day make my dreams a reality.

Until then, enjoy my blog about this marvelous thing called movies: new ones, old ones, good ones, bad ones, and everything in between! Feel free to comment and give me some input on how I can make your reading experience a little more enjoyable, or anything else you'd like to say :)

Lights, camera, action!

PS: Here's a little something to ponder over before the big day, February 24th! Click the link below!

The Oscars this year are kind of a big deal